MART Wheel and Brake Washing System

The MART Corporation introduces its Power Washer line specifically engineered to remove all soils from Wheels, Brakes and bearings. The MART process eliminates brushes, presoaking, solvents and hand cleaning. Up to four wheel halves can be cleaned in 15 minutes. The MART system thoroughly removes rubber bead and mastic, embedded carbon and bearing grease from wheels with soap and hot water blasted at high impact pressure.
Road soils are thoroughly removed from brake assemblies in the prewash cycle, and individual components are washed a second time to remove trace soils for most thorough parts cleaning possible. A load of bearings will come clean in 10 minutes.
Mart Wheel and Brake Power Washers utilize high efficiency 70 Horsepower Duplex (turbo) Pump Systems. Each wash load is blasted with 431 GPM at 388 PSI impact pressure to quickly and thoroughly remove the most tenacious soils. Solution management systems are available to prolong bath life. MART equipment is extremely reliable and requires minimal maintenance. Operating cost are low when compared to any other cleaning process or method, especially when you factor in the labor savings.
No solution is discharged outside the cabinet for treatment or disposal. The MART process meets the most stringent Federal and State emission and health/safety regulations, including the newest California Codes.
Several MART Power Washer models and many options are available. Contact a MART Applications Specialist for details.