Power of Zero (POZ)

U.S. Patent No 5,782,252
HOW THE MART POZ MANIFOLD WORKS. The POZ system has a series of 18 solid stream Zero Degree blast nozzles (like the discharge from fire hoses but at higher pressure), set horizontally in reciprocating Manifolds that move vertically, up and down, as the wash load rotates on the Turntable. Because the wash load is rotating, the nozzles "paint" a wave pattern on the wash load. Each time the Turntable makes a full revolution the wash load shifts one nozzle width to the right so that, in ten minutes, each surface is blasted nine times, at 400 PSI impact pressure, from nine different angles of impingement.
Note also that, in ten minutes, more than 15 tons of solution have been blasted at the wash load at extreme impact pressure, or more than 40 tons of solution in a wash cycle
Another way of describing the POZ is that it's like having 18 fire hoses blasting at the parts, with each nozzle delivering 18 gallons a minute at an impact pressure that could be three times greater. This technology allows MART washers to be the most powerful parts cleaning equipment in the world.
PUMP OPERATING DATA (measured at the nozzles). The C-30 POZ has a MART-engineered 70 Horsepower Duplex (turbo) Pump system that delivers 396 GPM, or 18 GPM per nozzle, at a velocity of 168.0 ft/sec. The impact pressure at the surface of the parts exceeds 400 PSI. The operating parameters for the TORNADO 40 POZ and TORNADO 60 POZ are identical. Jet spray machines, by comparison, never deliver more than 4 PSI impact pressure, and most are well below 1 PSI.
APPLICATIONS. The most difficult cleaning application is removing carbon, scale and paint from aluminum components because the soils can be extremely difficult, yet mild soap must be used in all cases to protect the aluminum. Two examples of this are automotive aluminum cylinder heads and aircraft wheels.
While the POZ was engineered to remove difficult soils from aluminum, the system is provided as a general purpose Power Washer capable of cleaning other substrates, such as iron and steel and plastic parts. In an automotive shop it will wash engine blocks and baskets of randomly loaded nested parts to the highest standards and, in an aircraft shop, will clean brakes and bearings as well so that one POZ Power Washer might meet all the cleaning needs of a rebuilding operation.
AUTOMOTIVE. Automotive rebuilders generally agree that cleaning aluminum heads takes several steps, much hand labor, and costs $20 or more to clean one head for rebuilding. And an aircraft wheel shop can spend over $100 removing the rubber bead and mastic from inside the wheels, and the embedded carbon brake dust.
The MART POZ System removes carbon, scale, paint, rubber bead and other soils by blasting the aluminum at extremely high impact pressure with mild aluminum-safe soap. Hand detailing is reduced to a few minutes, at most, and the parts are clean.
MART introduced the POZ during the Automotive Engine Rebuilders Association (AERA) Convention in St. Louis in 1999. Over 450 people visited MART and toured the factory, and saw the POZ wash aluminum heads. The MART CYCLONE 30 POZ system, the smallest of three POZ models, was used for the demo.
The CYCLONE 30 POZ washed and automatically rinsed five heads per load, or 80 heads per day, in 28 minute wash cycles. The rebuilders, after inspecting the heads, agreed that four to ten minutes of detailing would finish the cleaning on all five heads. The cost in energy to wash a load of heads is about $2.50, or 50 cents per head. Adding in the hand detailing cost, each head was cleaned and ready for rebuilding for less than $2.50.
AIRCRAFT WHEELS. While other washing machines remove rubber bead and mastic with brushes, and cannot remove embedded carbon dust, the POZ removes all soils, including bearing grease from the races, with impact pressure and mild soap. No competing method is as fast or as thorough, or operates for the low cost of the MART system.