Bearing Washing

MART Power Washers are in common use worldwide to clean bearings for inspection and reconditioning. The industries serviced by MART Systems are: Rail shops specializing in bearing rebuilding, Aircraft Overhaul Shops, Steel and Aluminum Rolling Mills, OEM Bearing Rebuilders, and the Military. In all cases, the MART Cleaning Process is fast and certain, and the cleaning standards are consistently met.
Two exclusive MART features that make this cleaning possible are the patented Oscillating Power Blast Manifold and exclusive MART High Energy Pump Technology
Rail Bearings are Clean in 9 to 15 Minutes
Most of the 20+ million rail bearings rebuilt in the U.S. are cleaned in MART Power Washers. A TORNADO 60 Batch System or TORNADO 60 DLD will wash 600 in 8 hours. The TORNADO 40 Hi-Profile will wash 480 bearings in an 8 hour shift. Slinging to remove the heaviest grease is not required.
MART also has many Bearing Washer installations in Steel Mill Shops. Aircraft Bearing Rebuilders
prefer the speed and thoroughness of the MART process. In all cases, the MART system consistently meets the cleaning standards for bearing cleaning. All Power Washer models are available for batch or automated operation.
Bearing Fixtures load outside the Cabinet for fast Table loading to maximize uptime and productivity. Various Fixture sizes are available.
MART Bearing Washers can be provided in Batch, Semi or fully automated configurations. Bearing washing generates high volumes of waste grease. Each rail bearing, for example, can have one pound of grease so that, in one day’s operation, the solution reservoir could load with 500 or more pounds. MART offers exceptional Sludge Management Systems including its Sludge/Surface Scraper and AirLift System, Sludge Surface Scraper, Coalescing Oil Removal System and Oil Skimmer to extend solution life for fewer cleanouts. |
Aircraft Bearing Washing
MART also has a line of Power Washers to clean Aircraft Bearings. In all cases, the industry's cleaning standards are met.

Steel Mill Bearing Washing
Steel Mill bearings clean thoroughly in eight to 12 minutes. The inner races, and rollers or ball bearings, clean the same as the outermost surfaces. A MART will prewash complete Bearing Assemblies before dismantling to come apart faster. The shop stays cleaner and more productive because all the sludge remains inside the Cabinet. As with rail bearings, large amounts of waste grease is generated so that MART Solution Management Systems are especially useful to (1) extend solution life and increase uptime and productivity, while (2) reducing the cleanouts and operating expense, and (3) saving chemical and service labor.
MART Power Washing is capable of Deep Cleaning so that all bearing surfaces, even the cavities and races that are not readily accessible from the nozzle blast, wash thoroughly clean. Whether the bearings are on fixtures or in baskets, there are many shaded areas in the load, yet Power Washing reaches them all. The Comparison and Pump Technology explain the advantages and benefits of the MART system.
Note also that all MART Bearing Wash Systems are EPA and OSHA safe, and Closed Loop Zero Discharge to meet Federal requirements for Waste Minimization.

Please contact a MART Applications Specialist for details. |