Automotive Parts Washing

The MART Corporation offers the largest product line of Cabinet-Style Washing Machines, Options and Accessories for all automotive rebuilding applications.
The CYCLONE 30 and Cyclone 2.2 are our most popular automotive parts washers, but many models can be used with various options depending on the specific application and volume of parts that need to be cleaned. Many automotive engine rebuilders used upgraded pump systems with 20 to 70 Horsepower Pump systems, and with the patented Power Of Zero (POZ) Manifold for aluminum head cleaning. Most owners also choose such options as the Fresh Hot Water Auto Rinse, Rust Inhibitor Injector (metering) Pump, and the MART-manufactured Oil Skimmer amongst 100+ options available to meet a shop's specific needs.
Details of POZ Fixture with five heads. C-30 will wash 80 aluminum heads to the highest cleaning standards in 8 hours. For high production, the TORNADO 60 POZ will automatically wash 200 heads.
MART Power Washers are capable of removing carbon, paint and scale from engine blocks and heads, and cleaning transmissions, power, suspension and all other automotive parts to standards not possible with conventional Jet Spray Washers or other cleaning methods. All Power Washer models are available for batch or automated operation.
The MART system is capable of Deep Cleaning so that all surfaces within the wash load, even the cavities and deepest recesses that are not readily accessible from the nozzles, wash thoroughly clean.
Wash five aluminum heads in one half hour cycle. Remove carbon, scale, paint and sludge.
The center of a basket of randomly loaded nested parts comes as clean as the outermost surfaces. The Comparison explains the advantages and benefits of the MART system.
Four more MART HYDROBLAST Tumblers ready for shipment.
Basket with Drive Shaft Removed |
Basket on Drive Shaft |
Detail on left shows Basket Drive Shafts. Note that Basket is removable to be loaded at one work station, Power Washed, and unloaded at a third station. Jib Boom is available to load and unload Baskets. Image on right shows High Efficiency Duplex Pump system. Cycling time averages 4 to 6 minutes, and the parts are spotless. With tumble dry feature, parts are dry for removal from Basket.
MART Pass Thru Power Washers are built rugged and maintenance free, with virtually no service schedule to ensure maximum reliability and uptime.
Small Baskets of Randomly Loaded Nested Parts Clean Thoroughly and as Fast as a Single Large Block or other Component
All traces of grease and road soil are removed from large loads of CV joints in 10 minutes
Prewash complete engine and head assemblies before dismantling in six minute wash cycles. Cores come apart faster, and shop stays cleaner and more productive. Inspect cores while customer is in shop to know whether or not unit will rebuild. Clean components and final wash in same Power Washer.
Straight Pass Thru Power Washers, Single and Dual In-Line systems in automated or batch configurations, three Tumbler Models, and an entire line of Turntable style systems. Note that MART does not offer top loaders because MART considers this style washing machine unsafe and difficult to load.
Power Washing replaces ovens and molten salt, hot and cold tanks, jet spray cabinets, hand steamers and pressure wands, and solvent and brushes. The MART system is also EPA and OSHA safe, and meets Federal requirements for Waste Minimization.
The MART EQ-1 Wastewater Processing System represents a significant breakthrough in wastewater treatment, and is quickly gaining wide acceptance with rebuilders. EQ-1 Wastewater Processors that have been tested and approved by MEEP and are in use throughout the military.
Please contact a MART Applications Specialist for details.