GSA Contract

Introduction to MART EQ-1 Wastewater Processing Systems on our GSA Contract
General Description
MART EQ-1 Wastewater Processing Systems are available on GSA Contract GS-07F-0313M. The MART EQ-1 is a cost-effective, environmentally safe, and user-friendly way of processing wastewater for reuse or disposal. The MART process works on waste streams that have up to 20% waste saturation.
The MART EQ-1 has been tested and approved by Air Force MEEP (Management & Equipment Evaluation Program), MEEP Project EC98-51, and also the EPA/ ETV (Environmental Technology Verification) Program.
The MART system operates on a splitting reaction/adsorption principle that separates water and chemical from contaminants. The separated waste including heavy and dissolved metals, oil & grease, suspended solids and organic material is encapsulated into a hard material that will not leach in a TCLP Test. The processed solution, which is clarified and contains up to 85% of its active chemical, can be returned to its original process and reused. The encapsulated waste product is usually safe for disposal in a landfill. In cases where the solution will not be reused, a Final Polisher can be added to the Processor to render the water disposable in a sewer.
Proprietary One Step Processing System:
- Process is Fast, Clean and Operator Friendly, and so simple that an Operator can perform Process after viewing the EQ-1 Training Video
- Proprietary Time-Release Chemistry Breaks Out Emulsified Oils, Attaches Oils to Polymer, Encapsulates Waste, and Hardens Waste Products via Pozzillanic Curing to prepare Waste for Disposal
- Keeps Factory and Processing Area Clean
- Eliminates Thermal Baking, Evaporators, Filters and Bags, Membranes, Filter Presses, Centrifuges, and other costly and messy waste processing methods, eliminate hazardous waste hauling
Successful Military applications include:
- Processing Parts Washer Water, Rinse Tank Water, Ultrasonic Baths, Dip Tanks, Steam and High Pressure Cleaners, Machining Centers with Cutting Fluids and Coolants, Paint Booth Water, Mop Water, Floor Sweeper Water and Sump Water
- Discharging C-130 Engine Compressor Wash wastewater to sanitary sewer
- Discharging NDI Rinse Water to sanitary sewer
The EQ-1 System is portable and can serve multiple waste streams. The system has the capacity to process up to 500 gallons per hour. Manual Batch, and Semi- and Fully Automated Models are available.
As part of our service, at no cost, MART will analyze your aqueous waste streams, formulate the correct Magic Dust compounds to process the waste streams, perform the treatment tests, and provide you with Treatability Reports. While each Magic Dust formulation is site and application specific, MART can often provide a single formulation that will process multiple waste streams.